Friday, September 24, 2010


so so so so noisy !!!!
i mean my stamach
wait to go for dinner
should be going for a western food
when i was looking for my photo
i miss the hello kitty restaurant at taiwan
well tats y western food comes to my mind
or else
i guess i will craving for salmoon again !

there is something in my mind:

i love being in love and i appreciate it
because i feel warm with all the ppl around me

i love myself no matter i'm happy or i'm down
because i know i got the power to control my mood

i love the life with rainbows always
because i can create my own rainbows

i used to sad in my childhood
but now i'm glad the efforts i put earlier and that's why i'm talented now

1 comment:

  1. haha sorry it should be a friday post :p
    after i wrote forget to publish...
    how forgetfull i am.. >.<'
