Monday, October 25, 2010

hang on !!!

i knew that my blog is not really productive
*bliaks* sorry !!
but honestly nothing much happening ever since TSL leave
she gona chop me into 1000
anyway recently i'm working hard as usual
my scedule :
7am - 1:30pm teaching mandrin in international kindergarden
( i'm just helping out for 2 months )
2pm -8pm working out for my bisness projects
video recording n shooting will arrange in the day
when the crew team are ready and available for everyone
very easy schedule but sometimes its kiling me
i can said its tiring
i honestly enjoying it much
the only thing i concern bout is
sometimes i lost some secure feelings in my life
i got no idea how to make it to be better
i just believe
believe it could be better
I'll be better EVERYDAY
if u believe it happen
if u dont then u dont expect it to be happen
in that case
you dont blame
* muaks *
so just hang on there
u'll be better, trust me!!
- J -

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