story begins of a little girl birthday
Mr & Mrs.K wanted to get a present for Halyn ( the bday girl )
sadly because of a mistake Mr.K bought one
Mrs.K bought another one
the fight between bwonie and GarGar in the car
when me and the buddies having fun at Ecobar on the Saturday Night
comfort both of them
tell them the truth
Brownie received his mission and be friend with GarGar
when Brownie and GarGar having fun night in the car
Mrs K are having fun night with the buddies
Drinks, Paints, ChitChat, Soccer, Pizza...
at PJ trade centre!
both of them busy reading the MENU to choose the best
this two fella focus on the soccer match of the night
I'm Boring but I enjoy the environment for snap snap
WeiLik give a visit to KL
must take a photo la !!
the girlfriend join us after her work
I purposely made him busy drawing
the theme of Paris and the Paris beer
so he decided to draw the tower shaped as the beer
but if u turn around its actually the EcoBar design
the next morning I send Brownies to Halyn
Happy Birthday Halyn
I hope brownie bring happiness to you always !
muax muax
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