Monday, April 20, 2009

a choice of a day

Today I keep creating happiness for myself
Keep doing something I like and I will happy with it
so in fact I did !

I'm happy with my day ~

But tonigt I just wish to be alone
Stay inside my comfort zone

I'm not alone I knew
Even though I've used to it snce i was young
Yet I'm the only child
but i do have lots of accompany!! =p

After a tiring mentaly woking day
1 hr happy chit chat with my dear nv ren
1hr plus dinner with chit chat
I'm back with a happy mood~

Ya from now on I always create happiness for myself
It's all from the bottom of my heart


If today you're not happy
Ask yourself, what you gona create in your life
Happiness or Sadness thats always a choice of yours!


Hope the happiness around YOU


1 comment:

  1. enjoy the chat alotz lar....
    yii...i wanna go kl....sob sob...
    last night i went for 1hr bath
    full bosy scrub and facial~~~ wuahahahahahahaha
    not enuf chat la, next time i gonna share the nice beauty saloon experience v u~~~
    miss u lotz :)
