Thursday, September 10, 2009

time table in red light

sorry sorry sorry
recently... time table in red light
will be back soon ya
oh ya the part 3..
will upload soon k
busy bout what ?
preparation to on air
some celebration
performance preparation


  1. wawa...
    so busy...
    take care oh^^
    on air remember to inform^^
    wat celebration? can i join? :$
    wat performance? can i go take photo? :$

  2. dear u look so cute with this hairstyle in both photos and real life person!=D~*

  3. 11771554, celebration u always can join ar.. let me know if u're in kl...performance.. ai yor u keep update u know lo =P

    coco, wah u arhh happening recently... :P cute .. this word long time dont appear in my style leh~ hahaha

  4. will keep updating^^
